In Windsor, we have one district Facebook page with a pretty good following (because someone has to maintain it and keep it active. If they page isn't active, folks won't follow it).
Across the district, we have many Twitter users with fewer followers. But we can re-post good stuff from Twitter to our Facebook and use it in our newsletters, etc. It helps that our Superintendent uses Twitter.
We have at least one building Twitter account set up per school and it feeds to each school's web site home page -- keeps the web page fresh.
An administrator -- or that admin's designee -- uses that account. 
As webmaster -- I have the logins for those main building Twitter accounts (not teacher Twitter accounts) so we can pass them on if someone leaves.
When new Twitter accounts are created by teachers in the district, they let me and/or their school admins know to follow them.
Twitter is an easy way to capture what is going on in the schools and across the district.
We don't get many comments at all on Twitter.
We get some comments on Facebook -- and again, those have to be monitored -- someone has to maintain the Facebook page.
As district webmaster, I am also the watchdog on the Facebook page. I get the alerts and forward the questions to admins who can answer them. Then I post the answers.

Hope this helps.

Katrina Palazzolo Wicks
Technology Teacher Leader | Library Media Liaison | Webmaster
860-687-2000, x270

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Matthews, Steve <> wrote:

Our district has many teachers and administrators using Twitter on a regular basis, Facebook, not so much. We use Twitter as a means of sharing what is going on in our classrooms and schools. In my experience, there have not been many issues, if any, of management in terms of dealing with in appropriate content.

Steve Matthews
Instructional Technology Coach
Middletown Public Schools
Twitter: @MPSTechCoach

Sent from my mobile phone

On Sep 9, 2016 5:19 PM, "Geri Dineen" <> wrote:
Our district is looking to establish a social media presence. Can anyone share their experience setting up and managing a Facebook page and/or Twitter feed?

How do you handle viewer comments?

Thank you.

Geri Dineen
Library Media & Instructional Technology
RHAM High School
85 Wall Street
Hebron CT 06248

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Katrina Palazzolo Wicks
Technology Teacher Leader | Library Media Liaison | Webmaster
860-687-2000, x270