Here is our academic honesty policy at St. Joseph High School in Trumbull. It is printed in the parent-student hand book.

Academic integrity violations encompass any act that compromises or subverts the integrity of the educational or research process. These offenses include, but are not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, and fabrication. All work submitted by students is subject to and governed by this policy. The following definition of cheating and plagiarism is taken with permission from the St. Louis University High School student handbook: “Cheating includes – but is not limited to – the passing of answers on quizzes and tests; the seeking, receiving, or transmitting of specific information about questions on a test; the lending or copying of homework; use of cheat sheets or their possession in the testing room; and acts of plagiarism.” “Plagiarism is the use of another’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own. To avoid plagiarism when using another person’s thoughts, the writer must acknowledge the origin of the ideas and use quotations to indicate borrowed language. Within the context of a specific class, a writer may ordinarily incorporate into his or her paper ideas discussed in that specific class without crediting the teacher or fellow-students. In that case, there is clearly no intent to disguise the intellectual debt. However, published material including passages and ideas from handouts and class texts must always be attributed. Students should not lend their work out to others. If one student seeks another’s assistance on an assignment, the assistance should be given in face-to-face instruction – not by passing written work from one student to another. The student who ignores this advice and makes his or her answers or work available to another shares responsibility and consequences if cheating occurs.” Any student found in violation of the Academic Integrity policy may be subject to the following: • Grade of zero on the assignment or assessment. If the infraction occurs on a midterm, final, or AP exam, a zero will be factored in for the exam and the final average for the course will be determined. • Parental notification by the teacher. The Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction will also be notified and may initiate a conference with the parent or student. • Disqualification from the honor roll for the quarter when the offense occurs, regardless of overall average.

The Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction maintains all Academic Integrity files. If a student is being considered for some type of award or honor, the nominating / sponsoring party may inquire as to integrity issues regarding specific candidates. In this case, details may be shared. Academic Integrity violations do not automatically disqualify a student from possible awards or distinctions. Any subsequent violations of the Academic Integrity policy may result in further sanctions including the student receiving a quarter grade of 55 for the course, the convening of an Accountability Board, or dismissal from St. Joseph High School.

Juliann T. Moskowitz
Director of Library Media
St. Joseph High School
Trumbull, CT 06611

“Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.”—Ray Bradbury