Election Extravaganza – Understanding Elections for the Elementary Set!  For this season only, Carol Glynn will combine her Celebrate the Constitution assembly with new entertaining pieces about the history of elections, how they work, and civic duty to participate, for young students.  These weighty topics are presented with so much action, fun, singing and audience participation, in a ‘learning while you are having so much fun, you don’t even realize it style’ that’s perfect for elementary students. 

 The Constitution pieces will include a live student sing -able Preamble, students acting out the three branches of government, a timeline song with 13 audience members taking us from the colonies through the Declaration of Independence and American Revolution to the Constitution. Add in the Election Extravaganza, and your students will appreciate the process!  No specific candidate’s names will be mentioned.  For more information respond to this email,  email Carol at CGlynnArts@gmail.com, or call  860-334-3470.