Hi Sara- we do not have what you described, but this year we started a new program for Freshmen with their guidance counselors.  They meet once in the 8-day rotation (on a day when their Biology lab drops).  The counselors asked me to do my freshman library orientation during this period.  I was hopeful that I could "grow" my digital literacy ensured experiences through this program, but alas, they wrote their curriculum without me- it includes some study skills materials, but there is not time for me to add digital literacy lessons.   I used to do my freshman orientation through English classes, so with this switch I have not actually added any time with them.  The only positive is that I never got every single English teacher to come, so at least this year I reached every freshman except those who were absent on that day. The other issue is that the kids look at this as "giving up" their free time, and keep asking if they are being graded: it is a pass-fail class, so it remains to be seen if they will  take it seriously.  Yet another (large!) issue is that these skills should really be embedded in the content areas....something we hope to do in the long run..... I thought I had heard that you guys had a freshmen foundations class- am I wrong?   -Barb

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 10:54 AM, KALUZYNSKI SARA <KALUZYNSKIS@stratfordk12.org> wrote:


I trying to promote a freshman seminar as part of our curriculum.  I understand that some/many of your schools may have a semester class to introduce information literacy, etc.

Please share!


Ms. Sara Hsiang Kaluzynski

Library Media Specialist

Stratford High School Library Learning Commons

e-mail: kaluzynskis@stratfordk12.org

website: https://sites.google.com/site/stratfordhighvlc/

School Twitter: @SHSLibraryLC        

45 North Parade         Stratford, CT  06615 

Phone (203) 385-4245

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one."       --Neil Gaiman


CASL-L mailing list

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
**  Please update my email in your contact list to lyonsb@wiltonps.org
The Wilton Public Schools will be transitioning email over the next several months.
Our current email system will be unavailable/undeliverable after July 1, 2016**.

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
**  Please update my email in your contact list to lyonsb@wiltonps.org
The Wilton Public Schools will be transitioning email over the next several months.
Our current email system will be unavailable/undeliverable after July 1, 2016**.

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
(203) 762-0381 x6288
**  Please update my email in your contact list to lyonsb@wiltonps.org
The Wilton Public Schools will be transitioning email over the next several months.
Our current email system will be unavailable/undeliverable after July 1, 2016**.