Hi Kim,

I believe Follett has some pre-made kits that you can purchase if you happen to use them as a vendor.  I don't know what your budget is or how you can place orders, but you can probably create your own as well.  When we had makerspace at our school, they had some time of circuitry activities, painting, and computer coding type stations.  You can also use legos or ask if there options within your school to collaborate with Home Economics teachers (woodworking, shop, etc.).  A good person to contact is Melissa Thom in West Hartford (Bristow) http://blog.whps.org/bristowlibrarylearningcommons/.  I know she is doing lots of good stuff...Good luck!


Loretta Sullivan
Library Media Specialist
Manchester High School

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library." - Jorge Luis Borges

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Musket, Kimberly <kmusket@wallingfordschools.org> wrote:
Good morning-
I am looking for makerspace activities for my middle school library media center (grades 6-8). Due to our scheduling, students only have one free period a day to visit the library. The activities should be something that can be done in one class period and, ideally, be reused with another group. 

Does anyone have suggestions for activities or can you recommend good places to buy some activities/kits?

Thank you! I appreciate your help. 

Kim Musket
Library Media Specialist
James H. Moran Middle School

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