Hi Jen,
Congrats on your high school position! We have approx. 1500 students in our grades 9-12. Students can access the library before/after school as well as during a time called Power Hour (half lunch/half free time to get extra help). They do not swipe in for these times. In addition to this, they may come directly here and swipe in (electronic system that registers their attendance, accessible by their study hall teachers) and swipe out at the end of the period. I need to note that sub teachers are not allowed to send students down to the library for study hall because this seems to become a problem with certain students taking advantage of wondering the halls, etc. It is the expectation that is a privilege to be here and that they must remain quiet or at least not disruptive to others around them (they may actually be working). We also have students that are on their phones and/or play games and surf the net on their chromebooks or desktops. This is fine, as they need to be managing their own time and our principal does not want us to dictate what they can and cannot work on during their time here (as long as it is appropriate). In saying this, if they are too loud, rude, or disruptive, they are forced to swipe out and go back to study hall. If it is a first time for a student, it is just for the remainder of that day (I usually give them a gentle warning and remind them to be quiet/settle down and tell them they might have to leave if the behavior continues). If it is a reoccurring student/behavior, they are out for 2 weeks (we email them, their dean, and call home with this and the reason why). If a student is a constant problem or has behaviors that call for administrative action, we do a formal write up. Feel free to contact me for further info./support. I think what we do works really well, as students learn quickly that they cannot get away with unruly behavior in the library and that they will have no choice but to go back to their assigned study hall and/or deal with their administrator. Good luck!