I’m offering these challenges to staff and students as New Year’s resolutions.


The only difference is number 50.


I’m hoping with everyone getting to choose their own adventure that it might actually engender a little bookish conversation.


I made up the rules but I found the original list online.


I’m hosting the first adult group at a local watering hole to make it easy for people that don’t like book clubs or reading what other tell them to read (that would be me).


I’m going to see if I can corner enough students to have a monthly club with them as well.



Matt Cadorette


Waterford High School

20 Rope Ferry Road

Waterford, CT 06385



Twitter: @lancerlibrary


“As for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts”  Herman Melville, Moby Dick