Hi Jen- we also have them in common areas, including the Learning Commons.  I had a colleague years ago who complained, and stated that the teacher contract did not allow for cameras in classrooms, and the LLC was our classroom- they still put the camera in.  I don't mind having it, as I am sometimes quite concerned about the number of students and supervision/safety issues.  
-Barb Lyons  

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 12:46 PM, Loretta Sullivan <b59lgian@mpspride.org> wrote:
Hi Jen,

We have them in the library and we don't mind.  They are in all common areas (no classrooms) and are helpful in identifying students when they are involved in certain situations.  It has come in handy when students try to deface or take something from the library (a keyboard/mouse).  There haven't been any complaints and our community seems pretty comfortable/use to cameras in our buildings (they are used in the lower grades/buildings as well).  Some feel "safer" and people seem to get over it quickly if they do not like them in the first place.  I hope this helps.


Loretta Sullivan
Library Media Specialist
Manchester High School

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library."
                                                       - Jorge Luis Borges

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Rocca, Jennifer <roccaj@brookfieldps.org> wrote:
Our administration wants to install surveillance cameras in our library.  I am concerned.  Their proposed placement would allow them to view nearly 100% of the library.  I have concerns about students and teachers feeling comfortable in their teaching and presenting if they are on camera all of the time.

Who else has cameras in their library?  What policies did you create/adjust when they were installed  What do the cameras see?  What limits did you set for acceptable/unacceptable surveillance?

Suggestions?  Ideas?  Input?


Jennifer Rocca
Brookfield HS Teacher Librarian

CASL-L mailing list

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Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
(203) 762-0381 x6288
**  Please update my email in your contact list to lyonsb@wiltonps.org
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Our current email system will be unavailable/undeliverable after July 1, 2016**.