We also have used the Do Ink Green Screen app on the iPad and we had a great experience with it. It was very user friendly and worked well enough for what we were doing. We used bulletin board paper as the background since we didn’t have a solid colored wall to record in front of, but the paper worked great. Good luck!


From: CASL-L [mailto:casl-l-bounces+pereirad=ces.k12.ct.us@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Kim Moran
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 9:15 AM
To: Jen
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] Green Screens?


Hi Jen,

We use and ipad app called Do Ink Green screen.  When we downloaded it, it was free.  It is a great tool.  You can actually record on any color wall and then just change the chromakey to match it.  We actually use our hallway wall to record.  It is painted blue. The app can save the video to the camera roll and then the final product can be exported to the student's google drive.This is a video I share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWAHxtpPp24


I have also sewn together large pieces of felt, from our home ec. dept. and hung them throughout our LLC for recording.


Hope this helps,

Kim Moran

Technology Integration Teacher

Ridgefield Public Schools.



On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 9:03 AM, Jen <jlarkin24@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone!


Does anyone have info they can share about green screens?  Inexpensive, do it yourself, software, tech. needed, etc.?  Looking to add one here in the LMC for students and projects they are creating.  Thanks for any help you can give me!


Jen Larkin

Library Media Specialist

EO Smith High School

Storrs, CT

CASL-L mailing list




Kim Moran

Technology Integration Teacher

Ridgefield Public Schools