Christina and CASL, Windsor Public Schools just purchased VR kits this fall from Best Buy. We want to use Google Expeditions with our students. 
The staff members who are spearheading this are our two fantastic district technology teachers, Rebecca Zenczak and Steve Rodonis. 

If anyone in this list wants to come observe an introduction to VR and training for staff, here are two times:
Please email Rebecca Zenczak to let her know that you'd like to come observe. (We will not have extra VR kits to try during the training, but you can come and learn, ask questions, and get information).

We are very excited to share what we've learned with other colleagues.

Katrina Palazzolo Wicks
Technology Teacher Leader | Library Media Liaison | Webmaster
860-687-2000, x270

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Christina O'Neill <> wrote:
Westport Public Library has VR equipment. I attended a VR workshop there in the fall.  They would be a good resource for information.

Christina O'Neill
LMES Library/Media Specialist

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 9:32 AM, Kathleen Smith <> wrote:
Hi!  My school is purchasing VR equipment and I have been asked to become the specialist.  If anyone is using, do you have any tips? resources? I would love to come observe if there is ever an opportunity.

Kathleen Currie Smith 
Library Media Specialist
Ledyard High School & Ledyard Middle School



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