Apply for an ISTE Award




ISTE Awards - Stand and be recognized


Now is your chance to share your success

Apply for an ISTE Award! We’re looking for outstanding individuals who use ed tech in innovative ways — from teachers and school leaders to ed tech advocates at every level. Not interested in applying yourself but want to recognize someone else? Nominate a colleague or even your district!


Winners receive:

  • Recognition and free registration at the ISTE Conference & Expo.
  • A one-year basic individual ISTE membership.
  • Additional prizes and cash awards.
  • Opportunities to contribute to the field.

When educators succeed, the whole world wins. Start the year bright by sharing your work.


Nominations due by Feb. 28, 2017 5 pm EST.





"It's about sharing stories with other people and learning from each other."

— Donna Teuber, 2014 Sylvia Charp Award











Connected Learning | Connected World


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Mail :

International Society for Technology in Education
Member Services:  621 SW Morrison Street, Suite 800, Portland, Oregon, 97205
Headquarters: 1530 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 730, Arlington, Virginia, 22209





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