Connecticut Library Association is pleased to announce that it will, once again, award scholarships at its Annual Meeting, which will be held at the Mystic Marriott on May 5, 2017. A total of $4,750 will be awarded from funds provided by CLA and the Association
of Connecticut Library Boards (ACLB). The areas of study eligible for scholarship support have been expanded this year. Applications and supporting materials will only be
accepted electronically; the application can be accessed by clicking here:
Important Information About the Scholarships
· To
be eligible you must be 1) a CLA member and 2) a CT resident or employed in a CT library. A CLA Student Membership is available for $25 per year. The institution where you are currently enrolled does
not have to be based in CT.
· The
deadline for applications is April 3, 2017. Award recipients will be notified no later than April 21, 2017.
· You
must be enrolled in, but have not yet graduated from, (with at least one course remaining to complete your studies), one of the following programs:
1. An
ALA certification program (i.e. Certified Public Library Administrator)
2. An
LTA program
3. A
bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) in Library Science
4. A
Library Media Specialist degree
5. An
ALA-accredited MLS/MLIS degree
6. A
PhD in Library Science
· Please
send evidence on school or institutional letterhead of your enrollment in a qualified program. A copy of your letter of acceptance is required if you are enrolled in an advanced degree program (MLS/MLIS, Library Media Specialist or PhD). Scholarship funds
will be sent directly to the institution being attended by the award winners for deposit in their student accounts.
· A
minimum of two (2) references must be submitted with the application. Greater weight will be given to references supplied by persons who are, or have been, professional librarians or who are engaged in teaching library course work.
· Please
include only professional affiliations (i.e. ALA, ACRL, YALSA, etc) or academic honors (i.e. Phi Beta Kappa) in the “memberships” portion of the application.
· If
you have received an ALA Spectrum Scholarship, please submit an official notification of the award.
· Please
send official transcripts of post-secondary education by the deadline. Advanced degree students need only send official transcripts of completedBaccalaureate and other advanced degrees and should
forward an official transcript of any work completed toward current advanced degree studies thus far. Submission of transcripts of completed degree
coursework is strongly encouraged, though not mandatory.
· Scholarships
are not automatically renewed; students must reapply.
· Individuals
will be eligible to receive awards valued at a minimum of $500 up to a maximum of $1,500 depending on the quality of the pool of applicants and type of program in which the applicants are enrolled. The scholarship applications are judged by the CLA Career
Development Committee, which has sole discretion over the types of scholarships to be awarded and the amounts to be granted.
· Award
recipients will receive complimentary 1-day registration and lunch for the 2017 CLA Annual Conference.
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