Good Afternoon,

As some of you may have already discovered, there is a slight problem with one of the 2019 TOP SECRET High School Nutmeg titles.  After being assured by the publisher that this title would be available in paperback as of January 2017, the paperback publication date was pushed back to September 2017.

The publisher has been contacted, and we now have a promise from them that the paperback edition will be out by the end of May.  I know this is not ideal, and it does not meet the May 1st deadline, but since the publisher has promised to work with us to get the book out as fast as possible, we have decided to keep it on the High School list.  Until then, the book is still available in hardcover.

Since the lists are currently top secret, I can't name it specifically in this email. I caution all of you to please be extremely careful not to reply-all to this email with the name.  Please email me directly ( if you need to know the title or have any further questions.

On behalf of the Nutmeg Committees, I apologize for the inconvenience.  As we've seen before (and will probably see again), no matter what assurances we get up front, it's impossible to control decisions that are ultimately in the publishers' hands.


Kari Hamad
Children's Librarian
Wallingford Public Library
2016-17 Nutmeg Steering Committee Chair