A full-time library assistant to work the circ desk while I teach (I have one, but she is pulled to sub in the building throughout the day. . . )

Shannon McNeice
Library Media Specialist
West Hartford, CT 06107

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 7:49 AM, Miller, Sarah <scmiller@crec.org> wrote:
If your principal gave you I wish to get any one thing that you thought you needed for your job what would you ask for?

~Sent from my iPhone

Sarah C. Miller
Library Media Specialist
CREC Museum Academy
10 Targeting Centre, Windsor CT 06095
F: 860-231-7236

Apply for CREC's Magnet Schools of Excellence by February 28, 2017<x-apple-data-detectors://1> atwww.chooseCREC.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001dpWsxmLXiVML8EgWzZAa2mD3VigbgAgm45uutP6M5cC0aaXT0SGHnph-DbH-g19OZTdB7eLyvXsuP41ZwNKESp8cWAH762JBr6-8KogdILBZ0gSxa10-VvsKH_EGDA5TswZJx-eEywOvglWC8fRUTXJ1WoMOkqTkTTC_cyqF6n4=&c=nEQUaoKauxzh6KUyDgH6yjDfJi3lJ5mlAbP5szU2wREVfZmUUclNEQ==&ch=TdXqu6lAZBByNGU0gKJwyR0rt0mj767kj552qe8ZseMzYACkQsTk8w==>!


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