
This weekend I sent an email to the CASL listserv regarding Raised Bill 949 advisory council within the Department of Education relating to digital citizenship, Internet safety and media literacy.  

I caught the testimonial from the Welcome to Reality Representative. While he was very well spoken my fear is that once again library media specialists will be overlooked.  If decision makers are having a conversation about digital citizenship, Internet safety and media literacy, we need to be involved.  There was written testimony from less than a dozen people. 

I don't know about the districts you work in but our district has 2 certified school librarians for 6 schools.  Grades K-3 only see a para anymore.  I used to start lessons on digital citizenship and safety as young as 2nd grade.  These are critical skills. We are tech experts and we need to make sure that certified school librarians are not just part of the conversation but part of the solution, mandating our positions in schools.   

Today I edited the letter I sent to the Education Committee and sent letters to Senator Somers, Representative Urban, Senator Murphy and Senator Blumenthal.

I have attached it and you are welcome to use any or all of it if you want to send a similar message to the Education Committee and your legislators.

Please let me know if I can help you at all or if you have questions. 

Kathleen Currie Smith 
Library Media Specialist
Ledyard High School & Ledyard Middle School
860.464.9600 x6154



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