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Date: April 19, 2017 at 5:34:04 PM EDT
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Subject: April is School Library Month - Saving the Day!
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April is School Library Month - Saving the Day!
AASL empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

April Is School Library Month

Here We Come to Save the Day!

Ways to Celebrate

In Celebrate #SLM17 with Flipgrid, Ashley Cooksley shares how to use Flipgrid to create student videos and its application beyond School Library Month.

Empower the Future

Enroll in the 3-week online Making Your Library Epic: Creating Innovative Spaces for Student Learning and learn from Diana Rendina how innovative, active learning spaces can transform student learning. Discounted AASL member price: $25.

In Empowering Students with Dispositions, AASL President Audrey Church connects the dispositions Andy Weir's character Mark Watney possesses to dispositions school librarians work to instill in students.

Susan D. Ballard and Blanche Woolls make a suggestion that may unnerve some people but it is "oh so necessary" in today’s learning landscape: Leadership – Assert Yourself!

Complimentary Webinars

In Got Stuff, But No Staff?: Adventures in Creating a Student Techspert Team, presenter Kristina Holzweiss shares how a student techspert team can increase engagement in your library program.

Don't miss the previous weeks' webinars MakerSpaces on a Dime and Use an Elevator Speech To Prove Your Value.
Copyright © 2017 American Association of School Librarians, All rights reserved.

AASL, 50 E Huron St., Chicago IL 60611

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