Hellooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads....


What time is it??????

 It's time for the LAST TBPH meeting of 2014,

Wednesday, 12/17 at Whiskey Joe's, 6:30. For buffet and drink specials, wear your lanyard (name badge). Free valet. 


TBPH Tervis Tumblers have arrived !!!! 

Visit the Fins to da Left store to pick up your tervis tumbler.

Thinking about the Holidays and gift giving - pick one up for a PHriend. Look over all of the TBPH merchandise for sell!!!!

Music on the Bay gift tickets are on sale!!!!



Jimmy Parrish and the Ocean Waves, The Yard Christmas Party, Saturday, 12/20, 7:30 - Gates open at 6pm.

BYOB, BYOC and a dish to pass

$15 donation


RSVP Required 



Music on the Bay, 2/26-3/1/15. Register Today!!!!

Be part of the Trop Rock Association's  "Event of the Year" 2013 & 2014!!!


Want to Volunteer for the committee????????

We can use.


Web site administrator

Graphic artist

People to pass out posters and postcards for MOTB at work places, apartment complexes, etc.


See Joyce (Kahlua Kutie) to volunteer


FINS UP!!!!!!

_______________________________________________ Finsup mailing list Finsup@mylist.net http://mylist.net/listinfo/finsup