Hellooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads....
What time is it??????
It's Concert season!! Hang on to your tailfeathers....
Rooms are still available at LaQuinta - call for Parrot Head rate.
Registration starts at 5pm to pick-up wrist bands. MUST have a wrist band for event!
Raffle: includes $5  to win a pair of concert tickets and regular raffle for baskets - benefits Save the Manatee.
$18 at door includes entertainment, buffet and you donate $2 to Save the Manatee Club.
Entertainment by Conch Fritters
Buffet - starts at 6pm includes Burgers, Fried Chicken, Hot Dogs, Fries, Salad Bar, BBQ Beans, Bread/Rolls & Dessert.