Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!!!
PHIP asks for all clubs to be involved in Alzheimer's. TBPH will be walking in October for the cause. See Bev Gilliam to see how you can be a Poptop Parrot!
Here is a PHun event. If interested, please put together a team and sign up online and meet your Lovely Lady at the Bad Monkey 1pm.



"Hunt for the Cure" Fundraiser !

Discover Ybor landmarks while enjoying happy hour drink specials and interactive games at the participating establishments! There will be a 50/50 raffle and silent auction.

The Alzheimer's Association presents.



from 2-6PM


Begin at

Bad Monkey,

1717 E 7th Ave, Tampa, FL 33605


$20 per Score Card for teams

of 2 - 6 people.

To purchase Score Cards call Craig Mayers at (727) 710-4976.

Each registered participant will receive a FREE Cigar City Beer!

Learn more about the Alzheimer's Association at www.alz.org


Please check out the below link to theScavenger Hunt Facebook event and share amongst your contacts.




Encourage your friends and Team Members to register for Scavenger Hunt:




 FINS up!!!!