Tampa Bay- Bev is championing the Alzheimer's fund raising and walk this year.....
From Bev....

Hello Fellow Parrot heads;


TBPH will be supporting he Alzheimer's walk again this year.  The walk will be on October 29th at Bright House Field in Clearwater.  Sign in starts at 8 AM with the walk starting at 9 AM  With this early start the walk will be done well before noon, so it still leaves half of the day to accomplish other things.  We haven't had a very good turn out from our club in the past years; let's work hard to do better this year.


ALSO, let's remember that it's not really about the "walk" it's about raising money to support research to find a cure for this awful illness.  Dorothy advises me that PHIP is encouraging the individual clubs to make an effort to support Alzheimer's; so let's do our part.  If you can't make the walk, at lease give a donation; it doesn't matter how large or small.  If you want to give a few bucks at the meetings and Bev isn't there, give the money to Dorothy and she'll get it to Bev; or you can go online to make a donation 


It's simple; just go online to "2016 Walt to End Alzheimer's"  select the Pinellas County FL walk.    On that page you can select to "Register" "Volunteer" or "Donate"   Be sure to either register or donate to our team the 'POPTOP PARROTS"


Thanks for your support!


From PHIP:



Dear Club Leaders:
The Weather is getting warmer and the thoughts of Buffett concerts are coming to mind. It's also Walk Season for Alzheimer's Association around the county.  Now is the time to bring it up at your club meetings and register your club for your local walk.  You can register by going to the following link:
Get your members energized to raise funds by having each club member send an email note to their contacts list. Many of the local Alzheimer's chapters are offering incentives for members to register. Look in to it.
Someone develops Alzheimer's every 68 seconds with Alzheimer's disease being the 6th leading cause of death-and the only one in top 10 without a way to treat, cure or slow progression.  The Walk is a vital fundraiser to help eliminate this awful disease!!
We are off to a great start, let's keep it going!!!!!!
Bob Noonan
Alzheimer’s National Team Captain
Chicago Club