Hellooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!!!
What time is it????

It’s time for a 5th Wednesday!


We’re traveling to Sea Hags, Madeira Beach to visit our cousins…so come on out....


Large check presentation for Tampa Bay Watch.

Jim & Jody Kendrick, Kahunas, will be on-site to help present the monies raised at Kahuna’s Annual Pig Roast.


50/50 raffle….Entertainment by Al & JC – and, they know Buffett!!!!





$4 Ketel One, homemade sangria and Yellowtail wines

$3 Captain Morgan, Smirnoff vodkas (all flavors), Bacardi and Jim Beam

$2 Much Ultra pints

$2 Fireball shots

$13 Buckets of Corona or Landshark



$5 peperoni  pizza, fried pickles, soft pretzels, fried mushrooms or beef nachos


Menu available


FINS UP!!!!!