Helloooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads.....
What time is it??????
Time to celebrate TBPH 23 years young birthday!!!! 9/15-9/17/17. If you want to come in early or stay later, room rate is good Thursday & Monday too.
We are moving back to the Magnuson Hotel - Marina Cove so we can have our private pool party...
6800 Sunshine Skyway Lane
St. Petersburg, FL  33711
Rooms are 89.99 per night - ask for the Tampa Bay Parrot Head rate. Deadline to book 8/31/17.
There are 1-2 pet rooms and the charge is $20 per day for your pet and they ask for proof of updated shot records showing they had their rabies shot.
Friday: Steve Hopper and the Wolf Island Band
Saturday: Rich McGuire
Saturday evening: Jerry Diaz and Hannah's Reef
Sunday; Michael J. Weiss
More information to come......
FINS UP!!!!!