Just to clarify, I’m seeking input from people who DO have some sort of requirement for screening healthcare workers.


Most states do not have any such requirement. If yours DOES, then please respond.


If you DO NOT do screening of healthcare workers for MRSA, there is no need to respond.



Melanie Swift, MD

Director, Vanderbilt Occupational Health Clinic



From: Swift, Melanie
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 12:30 PM
To: mcoh-eh@mylist.net
Subject: MRSA screening of HCW


I am seeking input from people where state/local regulation or institutional policy requires screening HCW for MRSA colonization. (Routine screening, outside of an outbreak investigation scenario.) We are not doing this and are not planning to, but with MRSA being added to the reported HAIs we have an institutional task force looking at all aspects of the issue.


1.       What is your facility and state?

2.       Who requires this (state or local health dept, other regulation, institutional policy)?

3.       Is screening done at hire or periodically?

a.       If periodically, what interval?

4.       Are colonized workers treated?

a.       Is treatment voluntary?

b.      Do HCW continue working during treatment?

c.       Do you confirm eradication?

5.       Any anecdotal experience to share?



Thanks so much,




Melanie Swift, MD

Director, Vanderbilt Occupational Health Clinic
