We look at each case individually and their job duties, but in general, for direct patient care providers (especially if wound is exposed), employee is furloughed until infection is resolved, antibiotic therapy is complete, and  nares culture 72 hours post antibiotic therapy completion is negative. If decolonization therapy is necessary, additional furloughing and nares cultures are required.


Emma S. Smith, RN, COHN

Employee Health Coordinator

Mount Nittany Medical Center

1800 East Park Avenue

State College, PA 16803

Phone: (814) 234-6731

Pager: 1202


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From: MCOH-EH [mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Senior, Cathy (DRMC)
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:55 AM
Subject: [MCOH-EH] MRSA




I am reaching out to find our what other facilities do when an employee (who works in the operating room) has an open draining wound (non work related) who developed MRSA post surgery. The employee currently has a wound vac in place and is on antibiotic therapy for at least one more week.  Our infectious disease clinic is following and the doctor covering the case feels this employee can come back to work after the  antibiotic regimen is finished.  He is willing to do nasal cultures to look for colonization and treat if needed to decolonize but feels this can be after the employee returns to work.  The facility is reluctant to say the least to allow this employee to return to work with an open wound even though it is contained and she has been treated with antibiotics especially since she works in the operating room. We do have a policy for MRSA  active draining skin lesions that states  “employees must be restricted from contact with patients and patient materials or food handling until resolved.”  The infectious disease physician is willing to write a return to work although the wound is not healed. He feels there is little risk since the wound is contained and after the completion of antibiotics  according to this physician the infection would be resolved.   Please send your thoughts.

Cathy Senior RN BSN CDE

Employee Health Director

Penn Highlands DuBois

100 Hospital Avenue

P.O. Box 447

DuBois Pa 15801

Phone 814-375-3392

Fax 814-372-2610

