Hello everyone
I would like to inquire how your EHS does handles one of the team members in EHS who requires a RTW evaluation or has an injury. Are they seen in your department by the “co-worker” provider or do you have an alternate provider?
Lately we have had “sensitive” RTW issues with a couple of employees and feel that it is not appropriate for them to be seen by co-workers in the same department.
Your thoughts and procedures are appreciated.
Philip Adamo, M.D., MPH, FACOEM
Associate Vice President and
Medical Director, Employee Health &
Occupational Injury Care and Wellness
UMass Memorial Medical Center
Hahnemann Campus Suite 201
291 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-334-6179
FAX: 508-334-6433
cell 508-713-3993
"THE GREAT USE OF LIFE is to spend it for something that will outlast it."
William James