I should add that EHS is not in the same department as Occupational and Employee Health.


T. Warner Hudson, MD FACOEM, FAAFP

Medical Director, Occupational and Employee Health

UCLA Health System and Campus

Office 310.825.9146

Fax 310.206.4585

Pager 800.233.7231  ID 27132

E-mail twhudson@mednet.ucla.edu

Website www.ohs.uclahealth.org


From: MCOH-EH [mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Adamo, Philip
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [MCOH-EH] who evaluates the employee in employee health?


Hello everyone

I would like to inquire how your EHS does handles  one of the team members in EHS who requires  a RTW evaluation or has an injury. Are they seen in your department by the “co-worker” provider or do you have an alternate provider?


Lately we have had “sensitive” RTW issues with a couple of employees and feel that it is not appropriate for them to be seen by co-workers in the same department.


Your thoughts and procedures are appreciated.






Philip Adamo, M.D., MPH, FACOEM

Associate Vice President and

Medical Director, Employee Health &

Occupational Injury Care and Wellness

UMass Memorial Medical Center

Hahnemann Campus Suite 201

291 Lincoln Street

Worcester, MA 01605

Phone: 508-334-6179

FAX: 508-334-6433

cell 508-713-3993



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William James




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