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On Dec 3, 2014, at 4:35 PM, <Kim.Thompson@hcahealthcare.com> <Kim.Thompson@hcahealthcare.com> wrote:

I’m sure this has come up before…..what you do with an employee who is affected by (asthma triggered) odors such as cleaning fluids, waxing, deodorizers, etc.


I know that a reasonable accommodation might be to schedule cleaning at a time/shift other than when that employee works but if that is not feasible and she cannot transfer to another dept, what are some possible solutions? Thank you



Kim Thompson RN, BSN
Employee Health Nurse Manager
Medical Center of McKinney
4500 Medical Center Drive - MOB, Suite 105
McKinney, TX     75069

972- 540- 4218 (phone)

469 - 713- 8660 (fax)






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