I do share my medical disposition with the employee before they leave the office. Work restrictions, if any, are given to the employee and the employer. Employee signs a release where pertinent medical info may be given to employer if asked. In most cases, the employee has already talked to their employer if there are any medical reasons. 

I am hospital based (not university). 

Sajjad A. Savul, MD, MS, FACOEM
Medical Director
Bayhealth Occupational Health

Dover Office:
1275 S State Street
Dover, DE 19901
Ph.: (302) 678-1303 
Milford Office:
301 Jefferson Avenue
Milford, DE 19963
Ph.: (302) 430-5705 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2015, at 8:02 AM, "Enass Awad" <umhaneen@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all:
  For those of you who work in university settings, I was curious to know how do you convey the outcome of a fitness for duty evaluation back to the employer and who and how does the employee him/herself get informed of the outcome of the evaluation ?

  We only share the work recommendations with the employer however the employee does sign a release of information just in case more information is needed about his medical history which applies to the reason for the fitness for duty.  


Enass Awad A/Rahman,MD,MPH

"We can enrich the world if we choose to embrace our similarities; we can destroy the world if we choose to emphasize our differences."

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