We have a FFD for and has several choices including cleared with restrictions to write what those are; designed not to reveal medical info just restrictions


T. Warner Hudson, MD FACOEM, FAAFP

Medical Director, Occupational and Employee Health

UCLA Health System and Campus

Office 310.825.9146

Fax 310.206.4585

Pager 800.233.7231  ID 27132

E-mail twhudson@mednet.ucla.edu

Website www.ohs.uclahealth.org


From: MCOH-EH [mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Enass Awad
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 5:00 AM
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Fitness for duty policy


Dear all:

  For those of you who work in university settings, I was curious to know how do you convey the outcome of a fitness for duty evaluation back to the employer and who and how does the employee him/herself get informed of the outcome of the evaluation ?


  We only share the work recommendations with the employer however the employee does sign a release of information just in case more information is needed about his medical history which applies to the reason for the fitness for duty.  





Enass Awad A/Rahman,MD,MPH

"We can enrich the world if we choose to embrace our similarities; we can destroy the world if we choose to emphasize our differences."

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