Occupational Health at UCLA will refer our folks who quality for a program we call WorkStrong; to get personal 20 weeks of fitness coaching at the UCAL recreation centers, registered dietician 10 visits and on site Staff and Faculty Counseling Center for life coaching. Participation is voluntary and paid by the WC claim; cleared by the OM doc or specialist. Works great and not a conflict of interest but an alignment of interest as we are helping the employee get healthier and this helps them in many ways.


T. Warner Hudson, MD FACOEM, FAAFP

Medical Director, Occupational and Employee Health

UCLA Health System and Campus

Office 310.825.9146

Fax 310.206.4585

Pager 800.233.7231  ID 27132

E-mail twhudson@mednet.ucla.edu

Website www.ohs.uclahealth.org


From: MCOH-EH [mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Sumeet Batra
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 7:12 AM
To: mcoh-eh@mylist.net
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Wellness Consultations




I was curious if any providers offer in-person wellness consultations to their employees, regarding issues like smoking cessation, weight loss, diabetes management, etc.  If so, how have you addressed potential conflicts of interest with other roles within occ health (reviewing FMLA requests, ADA accomodations, etc.)?  Thanks in advance,


Sumeet Batra MD, MPH

Medical Director of Occupational Health

Cook Children's Health Care System

p: 682.885.1129



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