Our EDs have the PEP protocols for use when OH is closed, but exposed employees see Occupational health he next business day and for the 6 months of follow up. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 27, 2015, at 10:14 AM, Spangler, Mary <MSpangler@stanfordhealthcare.org> wrote:

How does your institution address needlesticks after hours?  Do you have an on-line reporting system, do you have a designated on-call person, or do you use the Emergency Department?  Would love to hear from other institutions.





Mary Spangler, M.S., N.P., COHN-S

Director, Occupational Health Services

Stanford Health Care & Stanford Children’s Health Care

300 Pasteur Drive, M/C 5205, Stanford, CA 94305-5513

Office: (650) 725-9583 Fax: (650) 498-7748 (fax)


<image001.png>                        Stanford Children Health

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