

I’m searching for data or possibly a scientific study that would help me create a rationale for what jobs or tasks a worker would be unable to perform while on Opioid painkillers. 

This would likely be in a return to work situation, where an employee who has received an injury is prescribed pain killers and is now allowed back to work, but is still taking the pain killing drugs.


Are there any safety considerations to make when placing the worker when they return? 

Can they still operate a forklift, an overhead crane, climb ladders and/or walk on elevated platforms, etc.? 

Would the narcotic drug affect balance, depth perception, fine motor skills, heart rate when performing physically demanding tasks, etc.?


I’m wondering if there is any information that could help make a decision on what jobs would contain potential hazards.


Thanks for your help!


Mike Janak

Ergonomic Specialist  MS, OSHT

Cell: 920-858-6413