It may mean the same but I have found that if you use clearer language like dry and crusted you get better compliance because people have a more shared understanding of what that means…


From: MCOH-EH [] On Behalf Of Angeli Mancuso
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 5:19 PM
To: MCOH/EH <>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Work exclusion for HCW w/ orofacial herpes lesions


I am revising our policy regarding employees with or exposed to communicable disesase and a question has come up regarding work exclusion for orofacial herpes lesions. Currently, our exclusions are written as such:

1)      Herpes: Restrict from care of high risk patients until lesions heal

2)      Varicella: Restrict from care of high risk patients until all lesions dry and crust


To me, heal does not equal dry and crust. The medical director of infection control says they are the same; the medical director of employee health says they are different. And I am stuck in the middle trying to manage a policy that creates controversy and no one agrees on.


How are others managing these definitions?


I appreciate your help.


Be well,



Angeli Mancuso, RN, COHN-S/CM

Employee Health & Safety Manager

Ph: 805.569.7866/Internal Ext. 57866

Fax: 805.569.8271

Description: EMAIL SIG- CH



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