I have previously shared with the group.. my frustration at being unable to find a safety needle and syringe that could be utilized for the delivery of Lovenox to small children and babies.

We have a lot of BBP exposures as a result of giving Lovenox in a device without a safety syringe.

When we attempted to use a different device we have had patient errors due to dosing issues.


The need that our pharmacy felt was important was a barrel circumference of the syringe that was a 3/10ths or ½ cc syringe.   We also wanted to have it calibrated in 10ths of a cc for accurate dosing for babies. And obviously a short needle for sub q injection (especially in babies).   And with a safety device.  


I am excited to share that we have found a syringe for trial.

It is made by Sol-CARE and is .5 ml and calibrated in tenths of a cc with a safety needle that is 1/2inch and 27G.

The manufacturer indicates they can also make different sized barrels and needles with the safety device.


I wanted to share my excitement for anyone else who experiences the same issue we have had.

I will let you know how our trial goes.






Terri L. Thrasher RN MSN

Sr. Director HR Professional Services

Employee Health, Occupational Safety, Environmental Health, Workers Compensation, 803-SAFE, Injury Management, Non CCHMC Badging, Early Education and Childcare Center

3333 Burnet Ave

Cincinnati Ohio 45229  MLC 9006
