I have been asked to consider a new process for new hire drug screens. Currently when a candidate has a positive instant drug screen, we then send the specimen for confirmation testing and ultimately to the MRO. Meanwhile, the new employee
is on medical hold and may not start work.
For the proposed change, I am being asked to have the candidate present their prescription bottles, and then have an occupational health nurse determine if the employee has a valid prescription. If the employee presents a valid prescription,
we would then let the candidate start pending the final review from MRO. If the candidate could not present a valid prescription, they would be on a medical hold until final MRO result was obtained.
I have a strong opinion about this, but I don’t want to bias the group with my opinion. Is anyone doing this and can you share your experience? Or, has anyone tried this and discontinued the practice?
Kevin Matson, Director
Occupational Medicine Service Line
Northeast Georgia Health System, Inc.