Our infection control people are looking at this as an alternative to bleach. Here’s SDS:
It’s an equilibrium state that generates peroxyacetic acid. There have been some reports of mucus membrane irritation…and several years ago OSHA visited Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr because of a complaint. They closed the investigation
without any action.
My guess is that the issue involves fumes coming of when diluting the concentrated product down for use. Poking around on the web, it looks like there is a dilution management system that the mfr offers.
Has anyone had any adverse experiences with it?
Edward I. Galaid, MD, MPH
Medical Director, Occupational Health Partners
Roper St. Francis Healthcare Charleston, SC
Member, ACOEM Task Group on Medical Guidance for Law Enforcement Officers
Member, NFPA 1582 Writing Group - NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Fighter Safety and Health