As our healthsystem grows, we are meeting to discuss onboarding for our home health, ambulatory and primary care site that may be 30+ miles away. At this time, we do not have a preplacement center, so ALL new
hires have to come to our main facility for their HR screen and Employee Health preplacement assessment which includes blood draw for QFT, titers, biometrics; drug testing, vision, vital signs, and review of medical history.
Would love to hear how others are onboarding off-site areas. you send the medical assessment electronically to the applicant and also receive it electronically? Our IT security division is balking at receiving PHI via email.
Thanks everyone! JoAnn
JoAnn Shea, ARNP, MS, COHN-S
Director, Employee Health & Wellness
Work: 813-844-7692 Cell: 813-789-3441 FAX; 813-844-8144 Email: