We offer meningitis to lab workers...not mandatory

Hep is mandatory for anyone working with patients....blood...human cells...etc

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-------- Original message --------
From: "Kumar, Bindu, MD" <KumarB@MLHS.ORG>
Date: 12/27/16 5:33 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "'mcoh-eh@mylist.net'" <mcoh-eh@mylist.net>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] vaccines for health care workers



I am interested to if there are any health systems out there that require/recommend meningitis vaccination for ER and/or EMS, in addition to the microbiologists identified by the ACIP? Do any of you mandate or require Hepatitis B vaccination for employees who are at risk of exposure? I am wondering if there are policies out there that go beyond the Hepatitis B OSHA standard.  Anyone willing to share their policies? 


Thank you in advance for your input!


Bindu Kumar MD, CCBOM, MRO

Associate Medical Director

Occupational and Travel Health

Main Line Health


Fax: 610-886-0164