We do the fit testing at the time of their annual health screen which is tied to their annual performance review.   The employee cannot get their annual raise until the health screen is complete AND it will not be retroactive if they do not complete the annual performance review in their date of hire month.   We have 95% compliance.  We also reduced the number of employees who are required to have fit testing and TB testing based on risk in accordance with CDC guidelines. .   These employees only need to complete an online questionnaire if they don’t need TB/fit testing.


If you want to test in a large group, you will have to have trained fit testers.  We tried this, and trained our educators but had low turnout and difficulty getting employees to show up.   Some hospitals have been very successful with hiring a group of pool nurses to complete fit testing and TB testing  over a month or two in their facilities.  That’s something you could look into.    We do this with our flu shots, we hire our retired nurses to come back as temps for 6-9 weeks each year. 



TGH_employee health serv-color

JoAnn Shea, ARNP, MS, COHN-S

Director, Employee Health & Wellness

Work: 813-844-7692    Cell:  813-789-3441    FAX;  813-844-8144    Email:  jshea@tgh.org




On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Whitney Shores <Whitney.Shores@jackson.org> wrote:


I recently transitioned into the occupational health role for our hospital.  I am looking for suggestions on the best way to get the annual n95 mask fittings caught up and a good system to keep ensure continued compliance.  Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Currently employees are supposed to report to employee health to have their annual fittings and TST done on their annual hire date.  However, compliance is quiet low.   Also, I am looking for ideas on the best way to perform mass fittings for large groups, as I am the only health nurse for the facility.

Thank you in advance!



Whitney Shores RN

Employee Health & Wellness Coordinator

Jackson Hospital and Clinic

Montgomery, AL


Office 293-8939

Fax 293-8929



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