ACOEM Advocacy/Washington Updates
ACOEM Supports Proposed OSHA Standard to Prevent Workplace Violence
OSHA to Delay Enforcing Silica Standard in Construction Industry
Congress Urged to Maintain NIOSH FY 2018 Funding at FY 2016 Level
April 26, Charles Yarborough III, MD, MPH, FACOEM, was installed as ACOEM's new President during the College's 2017 American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) held in Denver. Dr.
Yarborough is President of CYHealthAssociates LLC, in Bethesda, Md.
Dr. Yarborough and 6 colleagues took office during the ACOEM Membership Meeting held in conjunction with AOHC. Other officers installed for one-year terms were
President-Elect William G. Buchta, MD, MPH, FACOEM, and Vice President Stephen A. Frangos, MD, MPH, FACOEM. Members installed as Directors for the 3-year term of 2017-2020, were Robert M. Bourgeois, MD, MPH, FACOEM; David W. McKinney, MD, MPH, FACOEM; and
Tanisha K. Taylor, MD, MPH, FACOEM. Also installed for a 3-year term as Young Physician Director was Kenji Saito, MD, JD. In addition, James A. Tacci, MD, JD, FACOEM, became Immediate Past President.
Continuing their terms on the Board were Secretary/Treasurer Beth A. Baker, MD, MPH, FACOEM, and Directors Richard F. Johnson, MD, MPH, FACOEM, Paul J. Papanek,
MD, MPH, FACOEM, and Daniel G. Samo, MD, FACOEM (term 2015-2018); Melissa Bean, DO, MPH, FACOEM, James W. Butler, MD, MPH, FACOEM, and Jill A. Rosenthal, MD, MPH, FACOEM (term 2016-2019).
ACOEM House of Delegates officers for 2017-2018, were also installed at AOHC during the 102nd session of the House on April 23. The new officers are Speaker Douglas
W. Martin, MD, FACOEM; Speaker-elect Darryl F. Lesoski, MD, MPH, FACOEM; and Recorder Scott C. Levy, MD, MPH, FACOEM.
Continue to watch your e-mail for
ACOEM E-News. Next month we will publish Dr. Yarborough's inaugural presidential address, and the June issue will include a special AOHC Recap supplement.
of Integrated Health and Safety, a seven-module eLearning course developed by ACOEM and UL in partnership with the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) School of Public Health, officially launched at AOHC in Denver. Designed for health and safety managers
in the workplace, the course offers strategies to improve health and safety programming using the concept of Integrated Health and Safety (IHS) -- a workplace management approach that closely aligns the traditionally separate "silos" of workplace health and
safety programs.
The course provides a step-by-step how-to manual of IHS, ranging from data collection and health and safety measurement to population health management and the
details of integrating health and safety teams. It also includes in-depth instruction in the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) and a new IHS measurement tool known as the "Integrated Health and Safety Index," which was developed by UL and ACOEM to help
determine the long-term business value of employer health and safety programming.
Those who complete the course earn a certificate from UIC. In addition, ACOEM members who complete the course will also receive a customized course-related offering
that will provide up to 10 hours of CME/MOC credit. The course was developed by health and safety experts Wayne Burton, MD; Jon Dopkeen, PhD; Ray Fabius, MD; Todd Hohn, CSP; Pam Hymel, MD; Andrew Kapp, PhD; and Ron Loeppke, MD. Introductory cost for the seven-module
course and resulting certificate is $199.
The revised
for Occupational Health Services in Medical Centers has been posted on ACOEM's web site. The document represents a collation of pertinent guidelines, best practices, and professional opinions applicable to the practice of occupational medicine
in the medical center setting. It is intended to assist hospital-based occupational medicine practitioners handle the broad range of issues they encounter when tasked by their employers to focus on the health and safety of workers in the health care environment.
The 30-page document contains numerous hyperlinks which will be updated periodically to incorporate new information as it becomes available.
Authored by Mark Russi, MD, MPH; Lawrence D. Budnick, MD, MPH; Amy Behrman, MD; William G. Buchta, MD; MPH; Michael J. Hodgson, MD, MPH; Melanie D. Swift, MD;
and Lori A. Rolando, MD, the document is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Geoff Kelafant, who died tragically in March 2004. Dr. Kelafant was the original author of a set of guidelines for the practice of occupational health in medical centers and his work established
a format and content upon which we continue to expand with the current guidance document.
Medicine Position Paper/CME Tests in April JOEM
April issue of JOEM is now online and includes the new ACOEM position statement on
Advancing Value-Based Medicine: Why Integrating Functional Outcomes with Clinical Measures Is Critical to Our Health Care Future. This comprehensive paper on the value of function outcomes
was developed to highlight the rationale and necessity for development of functional outcomes for all medical/health care. The paper, authored by Kathryn Mueller, MD; Doris L. Konicki, MHS; Paul Larson, MS; Warner T. Hudson, MD; Charles Yarborough, MD, and
the ACOEM Expert Panel on Functional Outcomes, advances the concepts of integrating functional outcomes into overall health care.
And, of course, the April JOEM CME tests have been posted -- accrue 3 CME/MOC each month. Purchase
from the Product
Catalog, then return completed activities to ACOEM where CME are recorded in your online account within MyACOEM. For MOC credit, check the box on your answer sheet and we'll forward activity information to ABPM for tracking. Start accumulating your required
2017 credits today.
ACOEM's updated
Eye Disorders Guideline is now available online as part of
MDGuidelines® published by the Reed Group. This guideline has been extensively updated and includes recommendations for the treatment of foreign bodies, rust rings, and corneal abrasions; traumatic
injuries; viral, bacterial, and fungal infections and corneal ulcers; blepharoconjunctivitis; allergic disorders; atopic and vernal keratoconjunctivitis; chemical burns; and other work-related eye disorders. ACOEM members receive a substantial discount to
the MDGuidelines® --
to order, visit ACOEM's web site.
And, to assist you in navigating through MDGuidelines® and ensure you know how to access the information related to ACOEM's Practice Guidelines, the publisher,
Reed Group, will offer a members-only free 1-hour WebEx demo on
May 17, 2017. To participate, you must pre-register 24 hours prior to the start of the demo.
Advocacy/Washington Updates
Supports Proposed OSHA Standard to Prevent Workplace Violence --
regarding a proposed rule to prevent workplace violence in health care and social service settings.
ACOEM's comments in support of this standard were submitted on
April 6. OSHA had published the request for information on December 7, 2016, as a result of a GAO report that found the rate of workplace violence against employees
in these settings to be substantially higher than in private industry. In the report, GAO recommended OSHA assess the need for rulemaking to address this hazard. Comments were due April 6, 2017.
OSHA to Delay Enforcing Silica Standard in Construction Industry
-- On April 6, OSHA announced a delay in the enforcement of the
crystalline silica standard that applies to the construction industry to conduct additional outreach and provide educational materials and guidance for employers. OSHA determined that additional guidance is necessary due to the unique nature of the requirements
in the construction standard. Originally scheduled to begin June 23, 2017, enforcement will now start September 23, 2017.
Congress Urged to Maintain NIOSH FY 2018 Funding at FY 2016 Level
has joined the Friends of NIOSH Coalition in urging Congress, as it considers funding priorities for FY 2018, to include at least the Fiscal Year 2016 level of $339.121 million for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The coalition
consists of 158 industry, labor, professional, education, and scientific organizations dedicated to research and prevention of occupational injuries and illness and committed to the training of occupational health and safety professionals.
The April issue is now online. Earn up to 3 CME/MOC monthly.
For the latest on drug and alcohol testing news -- subscribe and earn up to 10 CME per year FREE.
Subscribe for guidance on National Registry compliance and coverage on all transportation medicine news. Earn up to 4 CME per year FREE.
Tools to implement workplace health and productivity programs -- gain a better understanding of concepts behind H&P management. Free to Members!
ACOEM Centennial Web Site
Visit ACOEM's centennial web site to view conference videos and to share your OEM story.
View more than 200 positions available for physicians, nurse practitioners, PAs, and others!
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Public Policy Webinar; Co-prescribing Naloxone; Safe Storage of Opioids, and more...