[CASL-L] AV workroom/ secure storage area/ production room

Victoria Phillips vphillips at hebron.k12.ct.us
Wed Jun 22 05:49:34 PDT 2011

Good luck with this!  I'm also a very squished LMS.  The workroom in our library is spec ed room and the library office is now the tech person's.  Behind me is a divider with 2 desks behind it where reading paras work.  I literally don't have a spare shelf, closet, or even a hook for my coat! 

We do have an AV storage room (I'm also AV coordinator) in the basement where much is stored but I decided to make bins for each grade level so they store stuff on their own that is to be shared amongst their grade level.  Each bin has a digital camera, flip video camera, batteries, chargers, a card reader, etc.  It has helped save space but also eliminated the many interruptions I used to get for AV requests while I'm teaching (I have a fully fixed schedule) so it works for me.  Carts with LCDs are kept in the back of the computer lab and larger items are kept in the basement, but most teachers have mounted projectors here.  I do have one locked cabinet in the computer lab connected to my library that is packed.  
It's tough and I don't foresee it getting much better soon.  Since you are a high school I'm sure your equipment inventory may be much more than mine...hope this helps!

Torrie Phillips
Library Media Specialist
Hebron Elementary School
92 Church Street 
Hebron, CT 06248
vphillips at hebron.k12.ct.us


From: casl-l-bounces at mylist.net on behalf of Alvarez-Calderon, Jean
Sent: Tue 6/21/2011 5:37 PM
To: 'Casl List Serve (casl-l at mylist.net)'
Subject: [CASL-L] AV workroom/ secure storage area/ production room

Our administrators are in dire need of office space/classroom space for a staff member.  Several weeks ago I was told to clean out our very limited (229 sq. ft.) AV workroom/secure storage area/ production room by next fall so that it could be put to other use.

I have done my professional best by preparing informational materials for my principal in order to educate her about what this space is used for (we ARE in the process of cleaning out what is now out-dated/unused...but, that is on-going), the supplies, materials and equipment housed there, the services we provide which are supported by its content and the impact on services when the room is no longer available to us.

It also occurred to me that it might be interesting to find out if there are any  library media centers in the state with no differentiated designated space for such use (always formerly recommended, but, with changing and emerging technologies, and facilities design and concepts morphing to accommodate, I wondering what is available to other schools.

We renovated in 2000 and moved from a small, but well-designed LMC to a spacious, light, lovely facility-with little practical work space.  The 229 sq. ft "AV room" was actually intended to be my office...the architect wasn't listening or heeding our advice on the need for AV.  I gave up the space and crowded in our other (very small) office with other staff, office equipment and periodical storage stacks. The AV room continues to be a very well used area for our purposes.  Losing it will drop us below what used to be state standards in 2000.


Input please!


Jean Alvarez-Calderon

Library Media Specialist

Granby Memorial High School

860-844-3014 (Media Center option 5)

calderonj at granby.k12.ct.us


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