[CASL-L] linking e-books and Kindles

Geri Dineen dineenger at reg8.k12.ct.us
Sat Feb 18 15:47:43 PST 2012

How are you linking your Kindles to the Kindle books you've purchased? 
For example, I've installed the Hunger Games Trilogy on five Kindles (the OPAC reflects five copies of this e-book are available). If a student checks out one of those Kindles, I want my catalog to reflect that one of the copies has been checked out. Has anyone come up with a way to link both of these catalog entries?
Since we're circulating fifteen Kindles, and each Kindle has multiple books installed, this could be a big cataloging project to link the downloads with the machines they are installed on, but I don't know of any other way to track usage data.
Any ideas?
Geri Dineen
Library Media Specialist
RHAM High School
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