[CASL-L] Overdue/Lost book policy

Newland, Amanda anewland at cromwell.k12.ct.us
Thu Jan 16 07:37:07 PST 2014

It was brought to my attention that our school does not have a Overdue/Lost policy in place.  When I came to the school, I continued to follow the procedures that were in place by the previous librarian which is the following...

  *   Students receive an overdue notice in their LA class and are given an additional week to return the book.
  *   If after this time period - students are then taken out of lunch and serve a lunch detention in the library until the book is either returned or paid for (or if the student says it is lost).
  *   If a student loses more than two books during the year - they are not allowed to take any more books out from the library.

I am not a huge fan of this procedure but was informed by the library aide who has worked here for years that "it works" to get the books back.  However, that being said, our Principal received a call from a parent stating that since there is no written policy currently in place, we can not have students staying for lunch detentions,etc.  So we decided now is a good time to get a policy in place in the student handbook for next school year.

So my question to you all is would you be willing to share your policies/procedure that you might have in place that you feel works?

Thank you-

Amanda Newland

Library Media Specialist

Cromwell Middle School

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