[CASL-L] Chrome Books

Geri Dineen dineenger at reg8.k12.ct.us
Tue Sep 2 08:58:25 PDT 2014

We are piloting Google Schools this year - have not yet purchased Chromebooks, but they are not required to use the Apps for Education.

Set-up is relatively easy, especially if you work through your tech department (we did not, so it took a fair amount of time). You might find that teachers are already acquainted with, or even using, Google Apps in their classrooms, which will make for easy adoption.

Google offers a lot of assistance with starting up, and has the best online tech chat support I've ever seen.


Good luck!

Geri Dineen
Library Media Specialist
RHAM High School
Hebron CT 06248
860-228-9474, ext 3317

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