[CASL-L] WattPad and BookBub

Shannon McNeice shannon_mcneice at whps.org
Fri May 8 08:34:19 PDT 2015


A new question has arisen at my middle school and I was wondering if anyone
else has dealt with this. A reading teacher, who has many students doing
their independent reading on e-readers, asked to see what the kids were
reading. (7th graders.) Several of them had free books they downloaded from
WattPad which are basically variations of 50 Shades of Gray . . . The
reading teacher was appalled. There is no language in our BYOD policy that
refers to content. It does say in our district technology guidelines that
student should use their own accounts for educational purposes only.

Here is an example of one. Warning: Explicit Language and Sexual scenes.

Thanks, in advance, for any advice or feedback.


  [image: photo]
*Shannon McNeice*
Library Media Specialist, Sedgwick M.S.
 860-570-6500 | shannon_mcneice at whps.org |
<http://instagram.com/sedglibrary> <http://www.twitter.com/sedgwicklibrary>
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