[CASL-L] pre-school library

CAITLIN CARBONELL ccarbonell at waterbury.k12.ct.us
Fri Jun 24 05:19:52 PDT 2016

I am in a PK-5th grade school, and I have 3 pre-k sections three times a week for 30 minutes. I do attendance so I learn their names (this comes in handy later), some basic fingerplays, read a book that deals with their theme, some more fingerplays (that deal with the theme), and another book. We do dancing and singing fingerplays, because sitting for 30 minutes straight isn't feasible. As they get more independent through the year, I let them practice raising their hand and choosing a fingerplay for us to sing. We end and begin each class the same for some routine. A new fingerplay I found out they loved was 5 Little Cookies in the Bakery Shop because it uses their name, and they love being picked as they sing along.
Don't stress about it! It really is about having fun.

Caitlin Carbonell
School Librarian
Sprague Elementary School
From: Farrales, Christine [cfarrales at east-haven.k12.ct.us]
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 10:04 PM
To: casl-l at mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] pre-school library

Dear Colleagues,

 Next year I will have a fixed schedule and will be servicing preschoolers, ages 3 to 5 years.

 I would appreciate information from anyone who serves preschool age children regarding the format of a library special/type of activities done with this age group.

Thank you,

Christine Farrales
K-2 Library Media Specialist

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