[CASL-L] Fwd: [aaslforum] California School Library Association new advocacy campaign

Shelley Stedman slstedman at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 12 17:49:03 PDT 2017

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jane Lofton <jane at lofton.com<mailto:jane at lofton.com>>
Subject: [aaslforum] California School Library Association new advocacy campaign
Date: June 12, 2017 at 6:11:57 PM EDT
To: <aaslforum at lists.ala.org<mailto:aaslforum at lists.ala.org>>
Reply-To: <aaslforum at lists.ala.org<mailto:aaslforum at lists.ala.org>>

Dear AASL Forum Members,

I am writing as one of the co-chairs of California School Library Association’s ESSA Task Force to let you know that CSLA recently launched a new campaign, Stand up 4 Students, to advocate for school libraries in California and to recruit supporters for our efforts. We were inspired in this effort by AASL’s ESSA Webinars and outreach materials and New Jersey’s unlockstudentpotential.org<http://unlockstudentpotential.org/> site.

Our effort has three main components:

A campaign website, standup4students.org<http://standup4students.org/> with information about the value of school libraries, current issues and legislation related to school libraries, and the importance of advocacy. We chose to create a site separate from our main CSLA.net<http://csla.net/> association site, to keep the entire focus on advocacy with stakeholders as the key audience.
A pledge form<http://bit.ly/standup4studentspledge> asking any stakeholders and organizations to partner with us and support our advocacy efforts.
A plan to build a list of supporters and keep them informed of any specific advocacy action opportunities, such as commenting on the state ESSA plan.

We invite you to visit the site <http://standup4students.org/> and give us input for improvement and other material to include. You are also welcome to replicate our efforts in your own states. And, stand by for a KQ Blog post with more details.

Jane Lofton
CSLA ESSA Task Force Co-Chair

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