[CASL-L] Teacher of the Year Nominations

Shelley Stedman slstedman at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 4 10:39:28 PDT 2019

Hello All: I am reaching out to this list for your help with a project that I have been wanting to do for some time and it is timely because of the recent announcement that Christina O’Neill is the teacher of the year for Region 15! If any other school librarians are announced as TOY this year please let me know. 

FYI:  I would like to add a page to the CASL web site which honors all of CT’s School Librarians who have been Teachers of the Year in their districts by listing them with their details.  I know about Barbara Johnson Mary Ellen Nelson and Jane Martellino because they are fairly recent and I know them all personally - but I am sure that there are others.  If you know of anyone within the last 10 years or so….or any LMS that won on the State Level anytime…please send the details to me OFF LIST - include  Full Name, School, School District and Town AS WELL as the YEAR of the award if you can please - that will save me time searching for the details when I create the page. 
In addition,  if you have the person’s current email address, I would also like to notify them about the page and give them an opportunity to correct any missing details or OPT OUT of inclusion if they wish.

I think these details are VERY important because many states DO NOT permit school librarians to be nominated as the TOY and many people in CT do not think of Library Media Specialists as teachers!  This is an important part of our training and our value as a profession. 

BTW:  I know it is a busy time of year for everyone and I really appreciate it if you can dash off details to me!

Happy Upcoming Summer!
Shelley Stedman

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