[CASL-L] Student-led Help Desks

Victoria Hulse v.hulse6981 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 17:00:53 PST 2019

Hello everyone,

I’m looking to gather information regarding student-led help desks in 1:1 districts. If you are in a district where this is happening, could you please respond to the the following questions:

1. Who oversees the help desk? (Adult-wise)

2. Is it a full course or volunteers?

3. How do you recruit students?

4. Pros/Cons/Successes/Challenges

5. Is it open all day or only at certain times?

We’re a year and a half away from going 1:1 at the high school so we’re still in the planning phase.  Thank you for sharing!

Vicki Hulse
Library Media Specialist
Amity Regional High School
Woodbridge, CT

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