[CASL-L] Virtual Reading Promotion Ideas?

Gail Nelson gwnelson100 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 16:59:29 PST 2020

Hi everyone,

Every February I have done a reading promotion at our elementary school.
In the past I have transformed the large bulletin board outside the school
library into the Iditarod race with every class having a dog team and
musher that traveled the Iditarod path as the classes read and turned in
reading slips logging their hours. Or the class submarine descended through
the zones of the ocean with every hour the class reads...you get the idea.

Last year we had a Safari jeep race around Africa.  We kept the interest by
springing challenges on the readers every few days. "A sudden swarm of
mosquitoes is threatening your well- being!  If every class member reads an
hour you will earn a net for your jeep so you can move ahead..." The
classes that earned the netting had actual net added to their class jeep.
The kids loved to pass by the board to see their jeep's progress.

I am wondering if anyone has any ideas how to create similar excitement in
a virtual space.  Our classes are not traveling the halls very often and
traffic past the library bulletin board is infrequent.

Also, does anyone have an idea for an easy way to track reading hours that
does not require pencil and paper?

Thanks for any thoughts, everyone!

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